Strength for Daily Living
Have you ever had things go wrong in your life? You know what I mean, the washing machine breaks down, the dog runs away, the children are rebellious, and everything that you touch seems to fall apart.
Well, we all have days like that. They can become moments in our lives when we feel so out of control and helpless that it is heart-breaking.
I once found a beautiful prayer that seemed to answer a lot of what I feel at times in my own life and maybe in yours as well. It goes like this:
"Lord, things are as they are. My richly embroidered daydreams do not alter them any. Some things just are. what? Do I spend the next thirty years, or the next thirty days, or even the next thirty minutes blubbering about it?
I could, Lord. You'd listen. But it wouldn't change things.
Except me.
It would diminish me.
It would leave me spent.
And frustrated. And less than I was meant to be.
Better I should use my next thirty years -- yes, and my next thirty minutes -- working with the situation, as it is.
Better I should look it square in the face and accept it and then pick life up and start from here. God, give me the serenity to accept those things which cannot be changed. Amen."
That prayer came from a book by Jo Karr. She must have experienced many of the same things in her life that you and I have as well. Or perhaps, maybe her life is normal, just like yours and mine.
Loving Father, let us claim this day in the name of Jesus Christ. Let nothing happen to us this day that Your loving presence is not clearly a part of it. Let us not become discouraged, but encouraged as we offer ourselves to your loving grace and power. We pray this in the blessed name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
This has been Rev. Jim Massey. Remember to share your love with a very special mother this Sunday and join me next week and we will share ten ways to conquer worry.