Thursday, June 28, 2007

Feel the Nails

Click Here to watch the video.

Artist: Ray Boltz
Song: Feel The Nails

1st verse
They tell me Jesus died
For my transgressions
That he paid that price a long, long time ago
When he gave his life for me
On a hill called Calvary
But there's something else I want to know

Does he still feel the nails
Every time I fail
Can he hear the crowd cry "Crucify" again
Am I causing him pain
Then I know I've got to change
I just can't bear the thought of hurting him.

2nd verse
It seems that I'm so good at breaking promises
And I treat his precious grace so carelessly
But each time he forgives
What if he re-lives
The agony He felt on that tree

Chorus 1x

Holy, holy
Holy is the Lord
Holy Holy
Holy is the Lord

Do you still feel the nails
Every time I fail
Have I crucified you Jesus with my sins
Oh I'm tired of playing games
I really want to change
I never want to hurt you again

Holy, Holy
Holy is the Lord
Holy, Holy
Holy is the Lord

Revenge is So Sweet! Mid Week Epistole by Jim Massey


It is amazing how many people in this world today would love to have a bit of revenge. I know you have seen them, the people who feel anger when they are cut off by an individual driving down the freeway and nearly cause an accident. Or someone cutting in front of you in a parking place that you have tried to get to from the other side of the parking lot.

That happened once to a driver of a Rolls-Royce who was carefully backing into a parking space when a teenager in a snazzy sports car zipped in and stole the space.
Getting out of his car, the youth grinned and said: “You’ve got to be young and quick to be able to do that, Pops.”

The older gentleman smiled as he continued to back up his Rolls, crunching the tiny sports car into a total wreck. “And you have to be old and rich to be able to do that,” he retorted.

Can you imagine the look on the teenagers face and the tremendous feeling of satisfaction that came to the driver of the Rolls? Maybe that is what they mean by the cliché “Revenge is so sweet.”

Would you care to hear God’s way? Psalm 94:16-19: “Who rises up for me against the wicked? Who stands up for me against evildoers? If the Lord had not been my help, my soul would soon have lived in the land of silence. When I thought, ‘My foot is slipping,’ Your steadfast love, O Lord, held me up. When the cares of my heart are many, Your consolations cheer my soul.”

It is God who is allowed to gain the revenge, what we seek is His love.

O God, when I feel betrayed and alone, remind me of the cross. You overcame those feelings without revenge, but the power of love. Grace me in the same way, I pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

This has been Rev. Jim Massey. One of my greatest loves is my wife and she is an only child. Next week, we will celebration the birth of our nation. May God gloriously guide it for His peace.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Fred Thompson and those who bash Him

This week there was an article that appeared out of Newsweek.

The article is misleading but shows the fear that people have over Fred Thompson running for President.

From the Article

The Monica Lewinsky scandal was dominating Washington that year and Thompson, like every other Republican, was critical of Bill Clinton in public. But away from the cameras, he quietly reached out to the president in a letter sent through Clinton's chief of staff. "If the President is going to have any good cigars left over," he relayed to Clinton, who had once sent him a stogie, "in the spirit of bipartisanship I might be willing to help him out."

Intimate correspondence like this usually doesn't see light until long after a politician is dead and gone, or at least done with politics for good. Thompson apparently believed he had forever traded Washington for Hollywood when he agreed to put his eight years of Senate records, including personal correspondence, in a public archive at the University of Tennessee. The papers, which have gone largely unnoticed, offer an unusual glimpse at his life as a Washington fixture, and clues about how he might lead as a president—hints that might not please conservative voters who are intrigued by him but who know little about him.

Real shame he reaches apart cross party lines and all to try to be a civil human being.

But if Thompson was conflicted about the issue, his voting record didn't show it. He joined with conservatives to block federal funding for abortions and supported a partial-birth-abortion ban. National Right to Life, an anti-abortion group, gave him a 100 percent rating. Recently, Thompson has suggested a personal shift on the issue. He told Fox News that he's always been against abortion, but that the issue has "meant a little more" since he saw the sonogram of his 3-year-old daughter. "I'll never feel that same way again," Thompson said. "Not only is it in my head, it's in my heart now."

Votes Conservative...still trying to figure out what is wrong with him...

Like McCain, Thompson showed he was willing to buck his party, even if it meant making enemies. In 1997, he was appointed to lead hearings into Democratic fund-raising abuses in the 1996 campaign. It was a starring role for a first-term senator and a nod at his popularity within the GOP. But the warm feelings didn't last. When Thompson broadened his investigation to look into alleged abuses by Republicans, he became an enemy to his party. "Fred was under considerable pressure to turn up and publicize evidence of wrongdoing [by Clinton], but his goal throughout was to be thorough and fair, and that didn't endear him to either side," says Sen. Susan Collins, a friend of his.

Goes after the bad in government no matter where he finds it? What is wrong with Fred Thompson? Nothing. That is why people are so scared of him.

Lucky Man

Click Here

Montgomery Gentry

Artist: Montgomery Gentry
Song: Lucky Man

I have days where I hate my job
This little town and the whole world too
Last Sunday when the Bengals lost
Lord it put me in a bad mood

I have moments when I curse the rain
Then complain when the sun's too hot
I look around at what everyone has
And I forget about all I've got

But I know I'm a lucky man
God's given me a pretty fair hand
Got a house and a piece of land
A few dollars in a coffee can
My old trucks still running good
My ticker's ticking like they say it should
I got supper in the oven, a good woman's loving
And one more day to be my little kid's dad
Lord, knows I'm a lucky man

Got some friends who would be here fast
I could call em any time of day
Got a brother who's got my back
Got a mama who I swears a saint
Got a brand new rod and reel
Got a full week off this year
Dad had a close call last spring
It's a miracle he's still here

But I know I'm a lucky man
God's given me a pretty fair hand
Got a house and a piece of land
a few dollars in a coffee can
My old trucks still running good
My ticker's tickin' like they say it should
I got supper in the ove, good woman's loving
And one more day to be my little kid's dad
Lord, knows I'm a lucky man

My old trucks still running good
My ticker's ticking like they say it should
I got supper in the oven, a good woman's loving
And even my bad days ain't that bad
Yeah, I'm a lucky man
I'm a lucky lucky man

THE NEW DAY - Mid Week Epistole by Jim Massey


Did you see it? Did it just overwhelm you with it’s glorious presence or quietly steal into your heart? Or tragically, did you just rise this morning and begin working and never look for it?

“What is it?” you say. It is the beginning of a new day! It is the rising of the sun upon a world that was battle weary the night before. It is the coming of the new possibility of conquest and celebration.

What if today was the day when a new and dynamic cure for cancer was discovered? Would you quickly arise and await the good news or would you simply drag out of bed?
Many of us would have a hard time answering these questions if not for Jesus Christ in our lives. He is the promise of today written upon our hearts and spirits. He is the One who comes victoriously every new day. And He is the one who offers us to the world. Did you hear? He offers us to the world, and not the world to us. We are the continued promise of God that was made in the very beginning - the new creation of God and the descendants to fill this world with God’s Good News. Come and rejoice this day and show the world how glorious it is to be caught in God’s love.

Dr. Heartsill Wilson once wrote: “This is the beginning of a new day. God has given me this day to use as I will. I can waste it or use it for good, but what I do today is important, because I am exchanging a day of my life for it! When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever, leaving in its place something that I have traded for it. I want it to be gain, and not loss; good, and not evil; success, and not failure; in order that I shall not regret the price I have paid for it.”

Come Lord Jesus, bring this bright new day to us so we can bring the Son to the world to hear and see His glorious salvation. We ask this in the glory and power of our Heavenly Father. Amen.

This has been Rev. Jim Massey. Next week we will find the sweetness of revenge.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Fred Thompson on Leno

Thompson on Leno Last Night

Just tidbits from Fred Thompson on Leno.

He mentions us "fredheads".

Are You Dead? Mid Week Epistole by Jim Massey

I once read a very challenging statement: “Jesus came to raise the dead.” What an interesting comment. The only qualification for the gift of the Gospel is to be dead. You don’t have to be smart. You don’t have to be good. You don’t have to be wise. You don’t have to be wonderful. You don’t have to be anything. You just have to be dead. That’s all.”

You see Jesus said we must die to our sins. In fact one time he was speaking to Nicodemus, one of the leaders of the Jewish people who came to Him in the dark of the night, and he told him, “You must be born again.”

Is there any thing you need to die to? What about jealousy or your feelings of inadequacy to do the bidding of the Master? Or what about your feelings of superiority toward others or your feelings of distress in the face of gossip and untruths?

You see, there is no one on this earth who will not die at one time or another. The main difference between dying right now and when your final breath comes, is that you consciously chose to gain new life and serve God here on earth and not wait until you are offered a home in glory.

Almighty God, do not let us insist on holding only a life that destroys us. Come to us in Your love and grace and then we will know without a doubt that we are alive and not dead. In the blessed name of Christ we pray. Amen.

This has been Rev. Jim Massey. Join me next week and we will look at a New Day.

Fred Thompson

You can visit Fred Thompson's Presidental Run Website.

Join me in Supporting Him for President of the United States. It is time for a politics to be shaken up.