Thursday, December 16, 2004

Why Abortion Is Murder

In celebrations of my Sons' birth, I want to show you just why abortion is wrong... These are not of my son but a collection of ultrasound pictures of various babies. Age of an infant is measured from last period. NOT from conception.

6 weeks of age or 4 weeks after conception -- you have barely noticed a missed period.

8 weeks of age or 6 weeks after conception -- notice the little tiny bud arms and legs?

10 weeks of age or 8 weeks after conception -- this is a 3D ultrasound picture. Very Clear huh?

11 weeks of age or 9 weeks after conception -- Baby Sucking his thumb.

13 weeks of age or 11 weeks after conception-- Profile picture...still within the first trimester

18 weeks of age or 16 weeks after conception. a yawning infant.

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