"The issue isn't whether they're mean-spirited or anti-women," Greenberger said. "What I do see is an administration with policies that are fundamentally out of touch with what women really need. … They have other priorities that consistently outweigh and trump the everyday concerns that women have."
It is funny that this adminstration is so out of touch with reality. More people in america consider themselves pro-life, then did just 5 years ago. More people are finding abortion to be what it is. Barbaric and Murder. More women are CHOOSING to stay home and raise thier family. More women are making the choice of thier family's over thier carreer. More women are looking for ways to work from home, so they can be there when thier children return from school. More parents as a whole are homeschooling thier children and that means having one parent at home to do that job. The size of the family is growing. There are more familys with medium to larger familys vs the "norm" of 1-2.
Is there a chance the reason that most of the people who find themselves in this situation voted for the conservative candidate? They voted for President Bush because the conservative stance on most issues favored these familys.
More women in america are holding higher positions in the job market. And beyond that, while womens pay does not equal mens yet....we have made great strides towards making it equal.
These women do not want to face the fact that, there are jobs that one sex just can not do. Women do not have the physical ability to carry a machine gun for 30 miles in combat. Some men can not do that job. But a man can not lactate either. So, it is impossible for him to nurse a baby. We can each do only what we can with the body we are given. We need to do the job that we are best eqiuped to do. And when a women chooses the job she is best equiped to do is stay home and take care of her children....she should not be treated as a women who hates all other women. Or a women who is being "put down" by society.
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