There is some wacko website out there called Jesus is a liberal dot com. If you are really seeking to know not go to this website. Go to the Bible.
Jesus was not of political party. In fact, he felt that people should follow thier government but that you should give to the government what was the governments and you should give to God what was God.
The bible talks about many issues. And while those issues today are held by one party or another. Jesus did not favor one over the other. In fact, Jesus gave Christians direction on how they should live thier lives. On some issues that is inline with conservatives and on some issues that is inline with liberals. But Jesus himself was not of political party.
Today in society, we are ok with just tearing pages out of the bible that we disagree with. But God did not give us His words, so we could pick and choose which parts we want to follow and which parts we want to ignore. The bible talks about homosexuality being wrong. But Jesus hung out with a lot of "undesireables." And when He saw sin, He told the person they were a sinner. But at the same time, He protected and loved them. But once they accepted Him, they did not continue in sin.
The bible talks about the roles of women and men. This was not "an option" is God's word. The bible talks about helping the poor. He talks about the churches role in helping all of God's children. Not the governments role, because He was not of Government. Jesus was of God.
The bible talks about being born again and being made anew. It talks about once you accept Christ your life is changed forever. You will be dead as you were before and born again. Simon was dead and Peter was born. You are changed in such a way, you can not possibly continue in sin.
The bible talks about Murder. It talks about forgiveness and how it is wrong to take a life. While the old testement talks about an eye for an eye, Jesus talks about turning the other cheek. The bible talks about learning to forgive, and judgeing not others. The bible also recongizes life in the womb. When Mary told of her meeting the angels, the baby of her friend "lept in the womb." Even that child could not contain the excitement for the Saviors coming. The bible tells us Jesus called fisherman to follow Him and lay down thier nets. And though He met soldiers, at no time did he tell them to "lay down their weapons." In fact, before translation the bible uses a different word for killing in war then killing as in murder.
Both political partys have picked up areas that are covered in the bible. But no one area takes preferance over another. Do not take my word on it either. Seek for yourself. The bible tells us "Seek and Ye Shall Find." The world may not like what the bible teaches us in every circumstance. But my favorite verse from the bible is this one....
John 16: 33"These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me, you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world."
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