I have been unhealthy and not posting much. A few months ago, I was put back on Prednisone ...this time instead of a boost, I was put on a daily reg. After seeing my specialist he wants me to take Metholtraxate. Honestly, It scares the crud out of me, so the only decision I have made is...flare or no flare I am coming off the prednisone. My blood pressure has been sky high lately. Last time it was 140/105. EEK Little too high. But my NSAID sends my blood pressure through the roof everytime. And I honestly normally run about 120/70. It is really freaking high right now.
Been busy with kid stuff too. TBall just ended. My two oldest played this year. I love this league of Sports. They spend time teaching the 4-6 year olds to play. Not teaching them to compete. They show them how to hit. How to field the ball. It is about fun, not competition yet. As you move up into the different age groups then you find the competitition. But not at the kindergarden level. I like that.
My oldest daughter started dance lessons. It reminds me of my days as a cheerleader and dancer in elementry school. lol. If her determination will plan her future....she will be the best little dancer in her class. My son starts karate classes on tuesday. Ask me in a few weeks how I feel about that. One little hit or kick on his little sisters...just one......(see my gray hairs already?)
I guess the biggest news is, I love my "work." I love being a mom. I love my kids more then I can imagine loving anyone. My son is so excited about kindergarden. He is already ready with his new clothes, batman backpack, batman lunch bag, and batman sneakers. (do you see a theme here?) Everytime, we talk about school he is so excited he can barely sit still. A year ago, I was worried he would not even have a mainstream education...and now. WOW. Shy no more. He has all this confidence...it just appeared. He is actually becoming one of those kids I hate when they are someone elses. lol. A real school aged child. The kind that has the confidence to do just what they want. They do not ask permission. The kid that is confidendent in who they are and so they do not need pushy adults telling them what to do. Know the type??? My son is becoming one of those. I am so totally shocked. He is actually letting us get close to him now. For 5 years he has shrugged off our hugs and affection...and it is like...as much as it pains him....he is letting us in. And he has found new confidence in allowing us to do that. Maybe he really did need time. Maybe the different things we have been doing to work on the sensory things is really helping. Or maybe....by not pushing him...he had the space he needed to work it out for himself. I am so proud of him.
My baby girl is talking! Finally. The doctor was right. She just didnt need to talk, so why talk. Bubba and Na-na did that for her. That is what she calls her brother and sister. lol. And when she can look at me and tell me "nap momma now. come" She can talk. :) Momma is releaved.
I love the volunteer work I do. My sunday school kids collected 60$ in pennys and change for the potato project. It is an amazing organization. Take the time to look it up online. Now, they are doing a food drive for the local mission. My youth group did volunteer work for people in the church. A lot of the older members were helped by thier work. We are currently working on a spaggetti dinner. It should be fun. We also were in our local 4th of July parade. The youth group built the float. It was a lot of fun. And hopefully, it will fill the pews.
Now we are planning for the lighted Christmas parade float. It is going to be such a blast.
I love these children. All of them. We are turning our sunday school program into more of a young youth worship time. I am so excited. I really love these kids. My youth group, the young kids...I work with all the kids in my church between the ages of 2 - 18. I feel guilty saying I do it in service to my Lord and Savior because I love the work I do so much. These kids are amazing. And smart. Man, they keep me on my toes. So, full of questions. My co leader and I are just struggling to answer thier questions as fast as they can ask them. Such seekers. And they are all such amazing kids. Each with thier own walk. Each with thier own difficulties and baggage. And each struggling in thier own way. From the 2 year old to the 18 year olds.
Well, My throat is sore, my immune system is surpressed. So, I better get as much shut eye as I can. :) I didnt know you could get sicker while on antibotics. argh. Probably not a good sign.
In Christ Mighty Love,
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