Friday, December 02, 2005

Our Culture of Death

I was going to most on December and then I read a poll on I do not believe that we as Human beings should "play" God.

We do not have the right as human beings to take a life. I do not believe in Abortion for any reason. It does not stop being a human being just because that human being was created during a rape, or is a product of incest. And I do not buy the "Better off Dead" arguement. Because even if a child is abused, it is better then just being dead. I was severaly abused, and I am still thankful for the life I have been given.

Taking a life for a life, just ends another life and creates a vicious cycle. When does the killing a life for a life stop? And what makes one person justified in taking a life and another not? It is terrible to kill another human being. It is. But ending thier life does not make your hurt stop. You go on grieving and hurting.

I do not believe in Euthenasia. I live with a chronic Illness. Yet again, living in pain is better then just being dead. Life is a precious, wonderful gift. And our culture does not treat it as such.

God has given us this precious life to lead. It will end soon enough, why do we as human beings insist on pushing that date sooner and sooner? When did this culture of death slip past us and become the "norm" and "acceptable". Death should never be acceptable.

If Christians do not stand up to those playing God, Who will? Who do you leave your life in the hands of? The one that gives life eternal? Or man who is as stupid as a dumb sheep? I realize I am a sheep, and that is why I look to the Shepherd. He keeps me from falling off cliffs. I just pray He uses me as His vessel so that others may come to know Him. He is a good shepherd who cares for His flock.