Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Mid Week Epistole - Toot and Pray by Jim Massey


There was a man who was having trouble with the brakes on his car so he took it to a local mechanic. When he returned for his car, the mechanic told him he couldn't fix the brakes so he made the horn on the car louder.

Sometimes I think that is the way the world tries to solve its problems. We just make a louder noise and perhaps you will not notice that we are hurting or do not have an answer or desire to search for a pathway that will bring us to a solution to our problems. We simply talk more, play music louder, and get angrier.

For the Christian, the answer to a challenge is to return to the loving arms of Jesus Christ. Paul tells about the two parts of our life - the good and the sin that seem to live side by side. One is simply a loud horn type response to life, the other is life itself. Which do you chose?

Loving Father, give us the strength this night to find the desire to not be "noisy gong and clanging cymbal" that Paul speaks of in 1 Corinthians 13, but let us be a part of the glorious praise for Your glory for the world to find strength and truth in all we do. In the blessed name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

This has been Rev. Jim Massey. Everyone hears music from many sources. Next week we will talk about understanding the work of “Harmony” in life?

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