Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Mid Week Epistole by Jim Massey


Yesterday was Monday, the dreaded day of the work force. How did your Monday go? Was it rewarding or filled with all kinds of disruptions?

When difficulties come into your life, how do you deal with them? Do you let them control you or is it the reverse?

Well, let me give you a very simple prayer to pray: “Lord, you take care of the gnats -- I can take care of the elephants.” The only thing you have to decide is which of your problems elephants are. Usually it is the one that is right in front of you. The gnats are the ones that seem to buzz around and make us think we are failures.

I think how true this prayer is today while I sit at home with the ice on the ground. I look out the office window and the beautiful Bradford Pear trees that we have enjoyed since we moved here are now split apart will have to be taken out. The birds are sitting in the branches still looking for their seed, and still I feel like God will provide for both of us as we wonder what to do now.

Lord, was that another gnat that you conquered for me? If so, would you mind coming and helping me with this elephant? Together we can win a victory for You. In the name of the Living Christ we pray. Amen.

This has been Rev. Jim Massey. Join me next week and we will find the power of having a song to sing with your voice.

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