Tuesday, August 29, 2006

I can Sleep At Night -Mid Week Epistole by Jim Massey

A farmer needed a hired man. After trying several, all of whom failed to meet his standards, a quiet man walked up to the farmer and asked for the job. “What qualifies you for this job?” The man answered, “I can sleep at night.”
That wasn’t the exact answer the man was looking for, but he was getting desperate so he hired the man.
Later on, there was a terrible thunderstorm. The farmer awoke, ran to the hired man’s room and tried to arouse him. He could not. Muttering to himself, the farmer went outside into the night and the driving rain. He found the barn doors securely closed, the hay stack well covered and the tractor put away in the shed. There was nothing he could do but return to the house and go back to bed. Then he understood why his new hired man said, “I can sleep at night.”
One of the great things that I have learned in my walk with God is that when I work faithfully for Him and I place all the cares of the world firmly in His love and care, then I can sleep at night. It is when I worry and fret that I try to continue to labor on the tasks of the day that I cannot start the next day rested.
Are you the same way? Perhaps we need to remind each other more frequently who we need in control of our lives.

Loving Father, we come to You this day and ask that You take control of all that we are and ever hope to be. Only by the guidance of the Holy Spirit will we ever know the true meaning of the Peace that Jesus gives us. I know that is why He reminds us that “it passes all understanding.” Let us rest in that glorious peace we ask in the blessed name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

May you truly rest easy until we meet again in the Mid-week Epistle and we find the line dividing our lives.
Jim Massey

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