Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Life And God's will.

Life has a way of getting so confused. Things have not been going so great lately and I am afraid it is just taking its toll on me and my family. We keep waiting for God to reveal to us, what He wants for us. We are open to His plan...but God's time and man's time do not always line up. One day soon I know He will reveal to us what His will for our lives is. Right now it is total chaos....it has been for a year. But sometime soon I believe His plan will be revealed.

Please, pray for us if you read this. Pray that God will reveal His mighty will. Everything here tells us we are not where we should be. But as bad as things are, can we last a year here until it is time to move on to the next spot? My children's school is ...terrible. I mean...really truely terrible. This is the worst school I have ever seen. They have already failed my children in so many ways. And I am not sure what I can do or even should do. God's will.

I know I have to let go and let God. But the headache still builds. Please, Keep us in your prayers.

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