Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Watch the Lamb

Lent is the season to prepare...a time to ready ourselves for the Holy week...the time for Easter. Yesterday, My children and I were talking about lent and easter on the way to school....and my 7 year old son said Mama, "why do we call it Good Friday if that is the day they killed Jesus? That is not good. " I have spent a lot of time thinking about how to explain to him in terms he can words that my heart can wrap him up in.

I have been thinking about this song too the last few days. (there are some images from passion in this...and it is graphic to some degree)

I love music. I think in so many ways it touches us, and moves us to faith. It is a beautiful expression of our love, and God's love for us. But this song.... It sum's up easter in such a way... During we prepare...May we remember to Watch the Lamb.

Watch The Lamb

Walking On the Road
To Jerusalem,
The time had come to sacrifice,
My two small sons,
They walked beside me on the road,
The reason that they came,
Was to watch the lamb...

"Daddy daddy,
What will we see there,
There's so much that we don't understand,"
So I told them of Moses,
And Father Abraham,
Then I said dear children,
"Watch the lamb....

There will be so many,
In Jerusalem today,
We must be sure the lamb,
Doesn't run away,"
And I told them of Moses,
And Father Abraham,
Then I said "Dear children,
Watch the lamb...."

When we reached the city,
I knew something must be wrong,
There were no joyful worshippers,
No joyful worship songs,
And I stood there,
With my children,
In the midst of angry men,
Then I heard the crowd cry out,
"Let's Crucify Him!"

We tried to leave the city,
But we could not get away,
Forced to play in this drama,
A part I did not want to play,
Why upon this day were men condemned to die?
Why were we standing here,
Where soon they would pass by?

I looked and I said,
"Even now they come,"
The first one cried for mercy,
The people gave him none,
The second one was violent,
He was arrogant and loud,
I still can hear his angry voice,
Screaming at the crowd.

Then someone said,
"There's Jesus,"
I scarce believed my eyes,
A man so badly beaten,
He barely looked alive,
Blood poured from His body,
From the thorns upon His brow,
Running down the cross,
And falling to the ground.
I watched as He struggled,
And I watched Him when He fell.
The cross came down upon His back,
And the crowd began to yell.
In that moment I felt such agony.
In that moment I felt such loss.
Till the roman soldier grabbed my arm and screamed,
"YOU! Carry his cross!"

At first I tried to resist him,
But his hand reached for his sword,
So I knelt and I took
The cross from the Lord.
I placed it on my shoulders
We started down the street
And the blood that He'd been shedding,
Was running down my cheek...
They led us to Golgatha
They drove nails,
Deep in His feet and hands,
And yet upon the cross,
I heard him pray,
"Father, forgive them..."

Never have I seen such love
In any other eyes
"Into thy hands I commit my spirit,"
He prayed,
And then He died.

I stood for what seemed like years,
I lost all sense of time,
Then I felt two tiny hands
Holding tight to mine
My children stood there weeping,
And I heard the oldest say
"Father, please forgive us,
The lamb,
Ran away...

Daddy, daddy,
What've we seen here?
There's so much that we don't understand."
So I took them in my arms,
We turned and faced the cross
Then I said
"Dear children
Watch the lamb..."

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Mid Week Epistole - Toot and Pray by Jim Massey


There was a man who was having trouble with the brakes on his car so he took it to a local mechanic. When he returned for his car, the mechanic told him he couldn't fix the brakes so he made the horn on the car louder.

Sometimes I think that is the way the world tries to solve its problems. We just make a louder noise and perhaps you will not notice that we are hurting or do not have an answer or desire to search for a pathway that will bring us to a solution to our problems. We simply talk more, play music louder, and get angrier.

For the Christian, the answer to a challenge is to return to the loving arms of Jesus Christ. Paul tells about the two parts of our life - the good and the sin that seem to live side by side. One is simply a loud horn type response to life, the other is life itself. Which do you chose?

Loving Father, give us the strength this night to find the desire to not be "noisy gong and clanging cymbal" that Paul speaks of in 1 Corinthians 13, but let us be a part of the glorious praise for Your glory for the world to find strength and truth in all we do. In the blessed name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

This has been Rev. Jim Massey. Everyone hears music from many sources. Next week we will talk about understanding the work of “Harmony” in life?

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

A SALVATION QUESTION -Mid Week Epistole by Jim Massey


A man was returning home after a night on the town with a few of his friends in a small Pennsylvania town. A visiting evangelist stopped him and asked, "Brother, are you saved?"
The long-bearded gentleman did not respond verbally immediately. He pulled out a piece of paper and wrote on it, then handed it to the stranger. "Here," he said, "are the names and addresses of my family, neighbors, and the people I do business with. Ask them if they think I am saved. I could tell you anything."
How would you answer that question if it were posed to you today? Or perhaps there is a friend that you have wanted to ask this question for years? It is one that has plagued mankind forever.
God knew it would be difficult, that is why he had the Apostle Peter write: " your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope you have. But do this with gentleness and respect." (I Peter 3:15)
That is the answer - gentleness and respect from the one who gives us life. "Brother, are you saved?"

Lord, come into our hearts this day. We have such a need to know the words of hope that we long to hear. The world would tell us of despair and doubt, but when we hold onto You, we have the promise and assurance of Your saving grace. Give us the power to touch a life this day as You have touched ours. In the blessed name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

This has been Rev. Jim Massey. Join me next week when we talk about the way to “toot” and “pray”.

Monday, February 19, 2007

PROBLEM CONSISTENCIES -Mid Week Epistole by Jim Massey


One day I was visiting with a lady that seemed to be deeply distressed. She was telling me all the things that had gone wrong in her life and when she came to the end of her list, I asked her: "Is there one thing consistent in all these things?" Her reply was, "Yes, problems!" To her with the rising of the sun, she was certain the problems of the day would arise as well.

One of my favorite cartoons is Peanuts. One day Linus and Charlie Brown were walking along and chatting with one another. Linus says, "I don't like to face problems head on. I think the best way to solve problems is to avoid them. In fact, this is a distinct philosophy of mine. No problem is so big or so complicated that it can't be run away from!"

No problem will be defeated by desertion of the battle. For Christians, the opportunity to battle the trials of our daily routines can be the most glorious battle of all for we have Christ on our side. Only by desertion can we be defeated. When Christ is present the victory is certain.

A wise man once said, "We can lose the victory by flight but not by death. Happy are you if you die in battle for after death you will be crowned. But woe to you if by forsaking the battle you forfeit at once both the victory and the crown."
Maybe this is a day of battle for you. If that is true, invite Christ to join you and I promise you the victory.

Loving Father, today we promise to meet the problems of our living with new zeal. You have promised us that nothing can defeat You, so we lay claim to that glorious Word. Remove from our hearts the anxiety and frustrations that we might feel and place there the warmth and assurance of Your holy love. In Christ's name we pray. Amen.

Mom and Birthdays

What power that word holds. Only one person can ever be that person, and no one can come along and fill that space no matter how hard they try. And yet, we are shaped by the person who fills that role. Who is mom.

I would like to say that only the last 12 birthdays have been hard, but that would be a lie. I dont know what it is about this time of year that makes me feel so miserable and hopeless. Most people enjoy thier birthday, but I hate it. Every year it becomes one terrible disappointment after the next. This year is lining up to be no exception. The only good memories I have of any parts of my birthday involve my mom. She always tried to make it so great....but yet, it seems like there was always something.

When I was turning 5, My mom was planning this party for me. My parents had finally divorced the year before...and for my first birthday, minus my father's responisibility...she was trying. Then she got sick, ended up in the hospital during my birthday. Her best friend Bev came and hosted my little party. Bev got me a little satin and lace purse and hat. Funny how you remember the little things. But, she wasnt there.

Then there was the year I was in the hospital for my 8th birthday. On my 9th it was really sunny outside. My grandpa fixed the car that day. 10, 11, ....For my 12th i had a sleep over. It was the only time in my whole childhood I was allowed to invite any friends into my grandparents house. My 14th, I had my first girl/boy party. The boy I like lied to me. I can not believe how much that lie still hurts all these years later. My 19th, my mother bought me a lace nightie and informed me...I needed it to make her grandbabies. She did not care for son-in-laws...but she wanted grandbabies.

It was my 21st that was the rock bottem. It was 5 days after it, I took a bottle of pain pills and a bottle of sleeping pills and washed it down with a fifth of Vodka. My dad showed up with my stepmom in tow...first time i had seen him in years. I had been raped a few months earlier...and my life was so out of control. My dad proceeded to make my birthday hell. The next day, mom and johnna were suppose to come down to spend the day with me. Only, Johnna showed up. Mom had a headache. Johnna stopped and picked up a cake, with whip cream icing i hate. Fought with me for an hour, and then turned around and left. It was a hell of a birthday.

I spent the next one in a psych ward for mom in the hospital for a drug reaction she was given for her migraines. Then by the time a year rolled around and I was 23, my mom was dead.

I hate this time of year. God, Please do not let me fail my kids when it comes to birthdays and please, let them remember good things.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Love and Trust

Trust is such a fragile thing. Even when you do not mean to hurt another person, you do. Just not thinking about the consequences of your actions. And sometimes, we find ourselves hurt by something ...that was never even meant for us to find out. But we do. And it causes us deep pain.

Why do people not think about how they are hurting those around them before they do things? I know that I tend to over think everything. But isnt that better then hurting someone when they told you not to do something because it hurts them and you do it anyway because you think they wont find out?

Love hurts too much. It really is better not to give your trust to anyone...because people just abuse that trust when you do. I am so tired of just hurting. Of being set up to fail. Of being the one that people walk on just because they can.

I need a long vacation from life right now. A very long vacation.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Some People Change

I dont know what it is about this song (some People Change) or the group (Montgomery-Gentry)...But it seems like every song they sing I like...and this song. Maybe it is because I have seen so many people in my life who need someone to believe they have in them the ability to change. Maybe because so many times, it was me....

I dont know.

two links to youtube...

Link on MSNBC

Link Two...the actual video for the song

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Adequate Shoes Mid Week Epistole By Jim Massey

Adequate Shoes
With all the disasters that are happening in the world at the present time, I want to offer some words of encouragement. Many times when we fall victim to something beyond our understanding our hearts seem to break completely into and we begin to lose sight of the ways in which God comes to us at all times.
We are reminded in Romans 8:28 - " all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose." When I read that Scripture, I once again reclaim the promise of Christ when He said, "I am with you till the end of the age."
Then I remember something I read years ago. "God will not send you down a path without adequate shoes." That means His love and assurance will always be with me. It will be affirmed by prayers, presence, and friends. Nothing will be left out of our situation that is needed. All we have to do is claim it in the name of Jesus Christ.
When you walk in the world today, praise God for the "adequate shoes" that He has supplied for you.

Holy Father, to all who have great need this day, let our words lift fallen spirits and help our presence reaffirm Your glory. We pray this in the blessed name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

This has been Rev. Jim Massey. Next week we will talk about consistency. What happens continually in your life?