Sunday, September 03, 2006


John Wesley believed in 3 kinds of grace.

prevenient (preparing) grace
accepting (justifying) grace
sustaining (sanctifying) grace

Prevenient grace is with us from birth, preparing us for new life in Christ. Mankind was not completely depraved. Instead, God gave us a small smark of divine Grace to help us to recongize the justifying grace when it arrived in our lives.

Justifying Grace talks about a conversion or being born again. This grace allows us a new life with our Lord and Savior. Man has free will, we are free to accept or deny Christ justifying Grace.

Substaining Grace is what happens next. This Grace moves us towards perfection Too many times we live in the Justifying....and do not move towards the substaining. Wesley believed that people could backslide. That without substaining grace, one could fall from grace.

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