Wednesday, September 27, 2006

How to Lose Your Dog- Mid Week Epistole

How to Lose Your Dog! by Rev Jim Massey

Some of the most profound wisdom that is shared with people these days is that of "Hind-sight." Now all of you know what that is. It is the knowledge that you so wisely give that you wish you would have known when you were in a difficult dilemma, but the only way you could ever gain that wisdom was to live through the difficulty.
Well, let this little parable serve as some "Hind-sight" that might be the most valuable in the world.
"A man had everything; a beautiful home, three cars, a plane, a boat, a cottage at the lake and a beautiful pedigreed dog, that was a real champion.
The dog was tied to a tree on the large, spacious lawn. Every day a newsboy would ride up on his bike, stop, ran over and pet the dog, and share some time with him. Since the rich man had no time for his valuable dog, the boy gained the animal's allegiance.
One day while the boy was petting the dog, the owner came out and said, 'Son, this is my dog. I paid a good price for him. I took him to the best trainers available. I've invested a lot of money in veterinary fees and grooming, but it looks like I really don't own him any more. The minute he is loose, he comes to you. I've lost my dog.'"
Maybe this should serve as a reminder of the importance of being a parent. If we do not pay close attention to our family, then the “things” of this world will draw them away from us. Today, it seems like every thing is becoming more electronic and gadget filled.
Now the challenge becomes how to hold on to them. It cannot be done by buying them more and more things because they will soon learn that the more they want to feel loved, the more they need a new toy. We must remember that the greatest gift we have for them is ourselves.
It is the same with the church or our jobs or even our friends. We must be willing to take the time to be what Christ has shown us to do and that is to live the Good News of God in our lives and to offer His love to others.

Holy Father, we sometimes forget that we need to turn our lives back to one another. We have become too busy and involved in the things to the point that we miss the life. Keep our hearts and eyes focused on You and we will then know the direction we need to go to continue to live in Your love. We pray this in the blessed name of Jesus. Amen.

This has been Rev. Jim Massey. Join me next week for another Mid-week Epistle.

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