Monday, September 11, 2006

Why We Can Not Afford to Elect Democrats

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What is disgusting about today is that the nation is wallowing
in handwringing and symbolism rather than actively working on ways to make the world better. I detest funerals even when they are just normal culmantion of life. I loathe this type of thing though. The enshrining of the culture of violence and hatred. The best monument that can be erected will never replace the living monument of a lasting peace wrought by people of good will and based on a willingness to reach out to one another.
by Skidmore

Or this one from the same thread

The reaction to 9/11 is adolescent
At this very moment, MUCH worse things are happening all over the world in places like Iraq, Lebanon, Darfur, you name it. In fact, our government is responsible for most of the death and destruction that have gone on in Iraq, which, by all accounts, suffers the equivalent of a 9/11 every couple of weeks.

Of course 9/11 was a horrible crime and devastating for the people whose loved ones were killed, but for the whole nation to carry on as it is makes Americans look like adolescents who don't want to hear about someone dying of cancer because they themselves are having an acne flare-up.
by Lydia Leftcoast

This is a thread in itself. wow. by Philosoraptor

Happy Terror Day!
Happy bush knew but didn't tell us day. Happy they all died in vain day. Happy freedom day. Happy homeland security day. Happy fascism day. Happy exploit the dead day. Happy Osama not found yet day. Happy 3000 dead G.I.'s day.

check out this post in that thread by TheWatcher
Blah, Blah, Blah. Take your fake Patriotism somewhere else.
Edited on Mon Sep-11-06 07:34 AM by TheWatcher
"How dare you bellitle this day by making all those deaths into a political agenda?"

Isn't that what your precious Giggling Murderer of a President has done for five years? Project much?

"Shame on you."

No, shame on you for being a blind sheep and an enabler of what this administration has done.

"Shame on them if they tried a similar tactic. "

They have been for five years. Get out much?

"But shame on you here."

Blah, Blah, Blah. Never Forget 9/11. Do as I'm told. Shop and Obey. Never ask questions. Dissent is Appeasement. Finish The Mission. Progress Is Being Made. Fight Them Over There So I Can Watch American Idol Over Here. My country right or wrong. Support The War, um I mean the Troops. United We Stand. Duct Tape And Plastic. What's The Color Code Today? We're safer but not safe enough. No one could have predicted.... No one could have anticiapated...... Catapult The Propaganda. Blah, Blah, Blah.

"You have lost sight of human dignity for a cause."

You have lost sight of humanity in order to be comfortable believing and facilitating a lie.

Wake up.

"And I am ashamed for you."

And I pity you.

For you are truly lost.

Another Insane Thread by StopThePendulum

Five Years Lost
It's time to grow up

Who would have thought that words spoken long ago by Benjamin Franklin would speak so clearly to this time of terrorism and its discontents?

"A child thinks 20 shillings and 20 years can scarce ever be spent," Franklin said.

In a child, such optimism mixed with ignorance can be charming.

In leaders who shape national security policy for the United States, it's distressing.

When George W. Bush took office on Jan. 20, 2001, his minions chortled that, after a Clinton White House staffed by puerile boomers, the nation could rest easy. It was now being led by adults, people you could trust to make sound judgments: Dick Cheney. Donald Rumsfeld. Colin Powell. Condoleezza Rice.

Yet five years after al-Qaeda used planes as weapons in Manhattan, at the Pentagon, and in the sky over Pennsylvania, the war on terrorism they've conducted seems more the work of children than of grown-ups.

And one more from the looney left by liberalhistorian in that thread

It was unusual because that ****er
knew exactly what was going to happen. His behavior is no mystery at all.

As for their not being more outrage over his continuing his schedule even after he learned of the first plane, and after they knew of the specific airplane hijack warnings-what do you expect, since the RW corporate MSM whores haven't exactly fully publicized that little gem so that few people really know about it.

These people need to step back into reality.

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