Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Mid Week Epistole by Jim Massey Harmony Know-How


A beautiful scripture is found in Romans 12:16: "Live in harmony with one another." Six simple words that can be filled will either difficulty or rapture.

Being a musician most of my life, harmony is something that is exciting to the ears. The most common form of harmony comes in the form of notes that for a cord that is made up of intervals of a third. That is simple to do and pleasing to the ear. There are also other intervals that sound mellow or somber that is called "minor chords". And there are chords that are filled with dissonance that must be resolved to make it sound pleasing once again.

There is one rule that is necessary though. It takes at least two to make harmony. You cannot do it by yourself. When two people begin making harmony, you find that one usually sings the lead and the harmony is placed as a second sound below it. That teaches me that there must always be someone who is willing to not be the lead in the music and in a way become a "second fiddle."

Are you willing to do that in your life? What about your family? Are you willing not to be in the spot light, but share it to make something that is so harmonious that people will be amazed at the depth of your love and friendship for one another? That is what harmony means.

What about your relationship to God? Are you willing to let Him sing the leading part in your life knowing that the harmony that comes in that music from heaven is also filled with the power of the Holy Spirit and the grace of God? We have moved from harmony to a symphony that will make the gates of heaven ring.

Lord, help us make the harmony of our lives be filled with the music that can only come from your Holy Grace. We ask this in the blessed name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

This has been Rev. Jim Massey. Join me next week for another Mid-week Epistle.

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