Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Quick Let's Pray -Mid Week Epistole


Dr. W. E. Sangster once wrote about what he called “minute prayers.” It’s not known if by “minute” he meant “tiny” or prayers that could be prayed in 60 seconds; it probably amounts to the same thing. Prayers do not need to be lengthy. Here are some little gems of prayer that can be used at any time, anywhere:

“O Lord, let me not live to be useless.” (John Wesley)

“Protect me, my Lord; my boat is so small, and your ocean so big.” (Briton fisherman’s prayer)

“Lead kindly light, amid the encircling gloom; lead Thou me on.” (J. H. Newman)

“O God, help me to be master of myself that I may be a servant of others.” (Unknown)

What “minute prayer” could you create for God today?

O God, hear us. Amen!

This has been Rev. Jim Massey. Today we talked about short prayers, next week we will look at the text of a prayer.

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