Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Only God can Fill Your Vessel - Mid Week Epistole by Jim Massey

Only God can Fill Your Vessel

I once read a statement by Alexander McLaren: "God's mercy, like water, takes the shape of the containing vessel." What a wonderful affirmation of the way God comes into our heart when we surrender all to Him.

He does not take just the things that the world recognizes as good, but He takes everything and fills it with His goodness. There is not a corner or cave that sin can hide in that God does not come and sweep it clean and fill it anew.

But yet, the only way He will do this miraculous feat is that you give Him permission to do so. Strange isn't it, the one who designed the universe, created mankind and all around us, still waits for us to invite Him into our hearts? Will you do so today?

Holy Father, come to every part of our lives this day. Take our thoughts, our words, our emotions, our very desires and fill them full of Your Spirit. Then we will be able to offer truth to others in this world today. We desire all that we need, what we must realize is that You are all we need. In Christ's name we pray. Amen.

This has been Rev. Jim Massey. Join me next week and we will see what is important on the backside.

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