Monday, December 18, 2006

The Telephone Music Box

When I was a pre-teen I collected Music Boxes. They got lost in one of our moves...the same move that we did not get any of our stuff and the moving company kept it, when my mom couldnt pay them. That move also lost my Great Grandmothers Hutch. It was a bueatiful peace of furniture.

Anyway...The music box. It was a gift from my Stepdad. He got it for me because I used to talk so much on the for Christmas that year...he got me a telephone I so desperatly wanted. Only it was only a music real phone, just a music box. I loved that music box. It was a prized posession, and at that age I did not have many. But that music box was so special to me. Maybe because it came from my stepdad. He was more like a dad then my own dad had ever been. But more because it was a gift that showed, He knew who I was. He appreciated who I was.

I dont know why today of all days, I got to thinking about it. The only thing I collect these days is nativity sets and that is a rather new collection. I was always afraid in amove it would all get left behind again.

I hope they are not what gets lost in the next move.

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