Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Ya know, I keep reading over and over this morning...this is about the war...this is about the war. But ya know, if anything...this is not about the war, but about how the war has divided the Democrat party. That division could be fatal at a time, they are trying to regain seats.

a party that runs a man as thier Vice President Candidate...and didnt people go nuts when he ran for his seat while he ran on the vp ticket? I seem to recall that. But a party that runs a man as thier VP....and then 6 years later he is forced to run as an independent because he has been labeled as "not a team player". And yes, I realize the republicans too turn thier back on people who vote against them. Look at Mccain. But although Mccain has ran for President on the ticket, he has never got the nod or been chosen as a VP either. The party told him then he did not represent them well enough to be President or Vice President. That is not the case with Lieberman.

I always thought that Al Gore and him were like opposites. USing one to draw votes from both sides. Maybe the party realized before this election that the party was divided on a large number of issues and tried to correct it with a Gore/Lieberman ticket. But when the lost the election, Those who thought like Gore, have lost it. 9/11 pushed them over that final edge.

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