Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Where Are You? - Mid Week Epistole by Jim Massey

Where Are You?

I was reading the Creation Story and three words of God kept returning to my mind. Do you remember when Adam and Eve had eaten the apple in the Garden and suddenly their eyes were open? They discovered who they would become without the presence of God and that was one who was weak and defenseless. Their reaction to this became clear when God entered the Garden and they hid in the bushes. It was there that God asked: "Where are you?"

That question is so real today in our lives. "Where are you" in your relationship with God? He is continually searching for and loving you in such a powerful way that even in the depths of despair, His voice is the only one that proclaims the greatest strength of all. His voice is not the one telling you to desert or denounce your faith and friends. His voice is not the one who tells you it is all right to break the sanctity of marriage by not loving and caring for your mate and family because someone else pays "special" attention to you. The world calls to you in its "special" way continually, and what you hear above it all is that voice of God urging you to look and see where you are.

What about your life? Do you hear God calling to your profession, your family, your witness, or your faith with the same voice that He would call to Adam and Eve and all His creation as He posses the great question of today, "Where Are You?" What would be your answer?

Almighty God, I treasure the times when you come in your love to search for me. Always remind me, even in the darkest moments that your loving voice still calls to me. We pray this in the blessed name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

This has been Rev. Jim Massey. You have a choice to make today. You can tell your friends and have them join us next week or you can simply ignore the gift that God has given you to be a witness to others. Which will you choose?

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