Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Mid Week Epistole - Desert Enticement by Jim Massey

Desert Enticement

A new translation of Hosea 2:14 says: "I will entice you into the desert and there I will speak to you in the depths of your heart."

What could God entice you into the desert with? Material things would slowly waste away. Much like an old prospector that is dying of thirst, the sun parches your throat and will eventually bleach your bones.

What about Ezekiel looking out over the valley of dry bones? What would God use to entice him into the desert? God used the action of the Holy Spirit. When Ezekiel prophesied to the bones, God brought bone to bone and sinew to sinew and then he blew into them the breath of life.

That is what happens to people in the Bible when God comes into their lives. In the desert wanderings of life, they become more than just an empty bag of old bones, rattling around with no meaning or purpose. What God used to entice His children into the deserts of time was Himself.

O God, entice us into the deserts of our souls. There are so many places in our lives where we feel empty and alone. Come there and breathe a new breath into our spirits. Draw us deeper into Your love and will for we ask this in the blessed name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

This has been Rev. Jim Massey. Join me next week and we will see the way in which life seems all wrong.

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