Thursday, February 23, 2006

The Stuff that causes us Stress

It has been a crazy 2 months. Brian got an interview. God works in mysterious ways. I have faith, He will lead us to His will. Although, I do not want to move to Steamboat springs CO.

Who knows what will happen. But I will leave it to God. I wish we could move back to Cumberland. I know Brian would love it. I could see spending Sunday dinner with Sandy and Johnna and thier families. I miss them so much.

Two days ago, someone said something that hurt my feelings. I told Johnna and we laughed about it together..and hurt together. That is the best thing about having a sister so close in age, they lived through what you did. They know. It is good to be able to joke about it, when you are hurting. I would do anything to move home to Cumberland. I just want to be near Sandy and Johnna. I want to see Brittany Graduate from high school in 2 months. I want to be there for all the kids.

I feel so far away.....He applied for jobs there. One with the Chamber of Commerace there. The job is perfect for Brian. But only God knows where we need to be right now. And I will put my faith in Him to choose for us and lead us to His will and what is right for us. He is mighty and good.

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