Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Condi Gets the Nod from Panel ran the headline Senate Panel Confirms Rice today. Click the link for the article. By a 16 to 2 vote, it passed the senate panel. The two voting against it were Boxer and Kerry.

Barbara Boxer is a very angry women. First holding up the vote on certification of the electoral votes and now her personal attacks on Dr Rice. And I have to be honest. I wonder if Kerry is going to spend his time....when he actually shows up for agaisnt Bush at every turn. Will either win thier states seat next time they are up? And More then they really represent the beliefs of those who elected them? And if they do, does the rest of America really understand these people's core makeup?

Obama's first vote and he gave the nod to Dr Rice. Of course Democratic Underground then had to belittle his decision to do so. In a thread titled, WTF is up with Obama??, they critize thier hero. The man they thought would save them, in his first congressional move played politics. They wanted this freshmen senator to stand up to 95% of washington? Someone is being unrealistic in thier understanding of politics here. Guess who?

What's the difference if the "democrats" we elect vote for republicans..

..and their policies all the time???

Seriously, what's the difference?

I would rather have 6 Senators that voted no, and went down defending our priniples and our beliefs, rather than the bunch we have now rolling over and getting their (pork-filled) bellies scratched for being good doggies....

If they don't vote as Democrats, for Democratic principles and Democratic ideals WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE


41. "Right" in what sense?

What was "right" with a vote for Secretary of State who believes

that the USA has the right to invade and subjugate countries

that won't bend over to it?

His lack of courage and conviction are evident. Either that or

he just another opportunistic politician doing what he think's

is going to keep his seat at the trough.

Democrats are turning on thier own. Dr Rice will probably get the position of SOS. She will do a wonderful job. I personally believe the fight against this comes in two issues. 1. The Democrats want to block anyone that Bush may actually want in any position because voting against the person is voting against Bush. and 2. It looks bad for the party who is suppose to be filled with racist to select a minority women to one of the highest offices our country has. The Democrats are suppose to be the party of minoritys but it is the Republicans pushing for an African-American Women for SOS.

For Information on Dr Rice go to this fast check facts on

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