Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The Larger Perspective - by Jim Massey (Mid Week Epistole)

I once had a friend tell me that no matter how we try, there will come a time when everyone must come to the grave. It will either be in death or in comfort for another, but we will eventually come. It truly reminds us that our life here on earth passes quickly. It is what we learn in that short existence that will truly change the lives of others.
Not long ago, James Gordon Gilkey, one of the Christian leaders in Portland, Oregon, was told by his physician that he had fallen victim to an incurable disease. There was no possible way by which death could be averted, or even long delayed. When this man heard the news, what did he do? Here is his account of the hours which followed: "I walked out to my home five miles from the center of the city. There I looked at the river and the mountain that I loved, and then -- as the twilight deepened -at the stars glimmering in the sky. I said to them, 'I may not see you many times more. But, river, I shall be alive when you have ceased your running to the sea. Mountain, I shall be alive when you have sunk down into the plain. Stars, I shall be alive when you have fallen to the sea.'"
That reminds me that the true life a Christian dwells eternally with God and we will all share in praise of Him forever.
A man was once asked what his favorite passage in the Bible was. His reply was “It came to pass!” When asked why, he said that is the Good News for him. “No sin ever comes to stay when you know the love of Jesus. It will all “’Come to pass.’”

Holy God, sometimes we miss the larger perspective of Your Kingdom. We think only of the here and now and do not glance at the Heavenly Kingdom that will be eternal. Give us the assurance of Your blessed love this day. We pray this in the blessed and eternal assurance of Jesus Christ. Amen.

This has been Rev. Jim Massey. Join me next week for another Mid-week Epistle.

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