Friday, February 11, 2005

My Politics in a Nut shell

Party affiliation/identification

Personal liberties

We should have freedom to the point that it interfears with someone elses freedom. But we should never have the right to stand in the way of anothers freedoms to protect our own.
Social / Educational / Health issues

Our school systems need a major overall. Our health system does as well. But the change should come at the will of the people not the will of the govt. More social programs at a private level then through the govt.
Government finance / Spending / Taxes

Better spending by the govt and less spending of tax dollars on very partisian issues. (abortions, etc..) Better accountability to the people on how our tax dollars are spent. More money put into protecting our nation.
Religious / Cultural / Family / Abortion issues

The rights of Christians should never be taken away. It was a nation founded by Christians. We need a more moral society brought about by people being more moral. Not by governing morality. Our leaders need to be the first to lead by example however. Pro-life. Pro-Family. Anti-Gay Marriage.
Economic and Labor issues / Welfare / Social Security

There has to be a balance between worker and management. I can see it from both sides. Union family, my husband now is management. Welfare should only be programs that educate people...not long term support that does not help you evolve. Social security needs to become private as well.
Constitutional / Government issues

Constitution is the bases of our nation. It is the most important piece of legislation.
Crime / Legal issues Anti-death pentalty.

I do not believe in taking a life in any form of murder. We do need tougher punishements and quicker judgements though. Criminals should have to "pay" the debt of thier incarsination through work within prisons.
Energy / Transportation / Environmental issues

The enviroment is not an issue. No one says, "Let's go kill some trees for fun today." But at the same time. to chose between a bird going extinct that affects no one but that bird and 2,000 people out of a job...well, the bird can go. (Local Mine issue side rant)
Foreign policy / Trade / Immigration

If nations want our aid and protection, they should be expected to accept decisions we make for ourselves as a nation. We made a big mistake allowing countries to export more then they import.
National Security / Military issues

National security has to be the number 1 issue. I am pro war in Iraq, Pro war in Afganastan, And I believe we need to go to them, not allow them to come to us. I believe we also need better packages for our retiring vets along with better health facilities. Soldiers are the reason we are free.
Personal Beliefs

People need to stop expecting the govt to make the changes and change themselves and help by asking others to change as well on a personal level. Take personal responsibility for thier actions and expect others to do the same.

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