Sunday, June 04, 2006

The Confessing Movement

Within the United Methodist Church there is a group stand taking place to bring scripture back to God's Church. This is called the Confessing Movement. To follow the bible as Wesley wanted. Maybe it is because my great great Grandfather was a UMC preacher, But The liberal shift of the church does not stand up to Christ Himselves teachings. I am horrified when I see actions taken by some United Methodist Churches doing the very thing that Wesley, the founder of our faith feared.

"I am not afraid that the people called Methodists should ever cease to exist either in Europe or America. But I am afraid lest they should only exist as a dead sect, having the form of religion without the power. And this undoubtedly will be the case unless they hold fast both the doctrine, spirit, and discipline with which they first set out." –John Wesley

We as a church need to ask ourselves "What would Jesus Do?" and we as members of this faith need to take a stand and answer....follow the rules that make us more like Christ Himself. We must turn to the book of instruction, given to us by Christ Himself by His sacrifice for payment of our sins.

We can not let the world dictate our beliefs, we must turn to the bible for what our beliefs should be. We should not compromise to draw in new members, we must show them why they must change and give up sin to be welcomed into God's eternal life and love. We as a church can not stand seperate and expect to change to have others accept us. We have a perfect give to give. That does not mean you continue in sin, and that you tell others to continue in sin. It means you encourage others to turn from Sin...and change your own life to turn from sin as well. It means you are changed and you want that change in your life. That is not always easy. But you try. It means you continue to love the sinner, but encourage them as Christ did "to go now and sin no more." That you value the precious gift of life that God has given you...and each day that God has given you. You find Christ right there waiting for you, as you change your life to be more like the bible. Not rip pages out of the bible to make Christ more like the world.

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