Friday, December 10, 2004

The Black and White Vs the Gray Areas of Political Issues

This is my take on the differances between Liberals and Conservatives. Often times, I hear liberals say that conservatives see things as too black and white. I think they are right. Conservatives do see things as black and white. But I also do not think that is a bad thing. I took a "quiz" online. It gave you a rating of either extreme liberal, liberal, center-liberal, center-conservative, conservative, and extreme conservative. I was not suprised. I fell into the center-conservative catagory. I do tend to see things as black vs white. Adding in the gray areas' only complicates simple issues.

I would say that conservatives are more realistic about what is happening, even though liberals will claim to be more realistic because they are seeing all the "outside influences." But I think that is part of the "trying to complicate the issue too."

Many of these issues really do come down to right vs wrong. It is like changing anti-life to pro-choice. by stopping to define abortion as an issue of life vs becomes simple. But when you are adding in the outside factors....a women's right to choose...and yes i am a women... then you do not change the fact that this is a choice of life vs death. You are just adding in more complications to the issue. That then becomes the gray area...because then who has more rights? an unborn childs right to live or a womens right to choose not to be a mother? But regardless of the choice of a are still talking about a child's life. period. there is no gray area there. If you choose abortion you are choosing to END alife. There is no gray about that. Only black and white. One minute you are alive...the next you are dead.

on the christian discrimination issue, i have been told its not discrimination if it happens to the majority. Discrimination is discrimination regardless of who it happens to. But by adding that christians are the majority in america, you are then adding a gray area that just should not be there. This issue should be black and white. It is either against one group or no group. you can not redefine the defintion when it is being used in connection to a majority. A person goes into a building of predominantly another race. he is denied the right to rent the place. That is housing discrimination. It should not matter if the man seeking to rent was a white male in a predominantly black building. Again. this issue does not have gray areas.

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